As if.. were as simple as a click.

About the time this is scheduled to post, I should be drifting off to dream land courtesy of some nice anesthesia cocktail prepared especially for me as Dr. McYummy prepares to remove all the metal in my right wrist.

I would covet your prayers for skilled hands of the healthcare team and speedy recovery for myself.

In a side note: my friend's sister died suddenly and tragically on Saturday. She received the news of this while @ Tyler's graduation party. Service is Thursday afternoon. I will obviously not be in attendance, but please say a prayer for her and her family.


Bless your heart. Prayers for you.
Ballerina Girl said…
Prayers for both of you...and all of your family.

Heal quickly!
Becky said…
Praying that all goes well with your surgery... I had one of those sleepy time cocktails recently, they are so nice ;-)

I was rather shocked to have won the ugly mug too. I thought you were a shoe in. Perhaps your mug had the "its so ugly its cute" syndrome.
Hello Pam
Found you at 2nd Cup and as a former firefighter I LOVE your blog title!!! But and this is a huge but... I also love that George Straight winked at you and called you darlin'. I'm kinda sick that it wasn't me.

Praying for your wrists and also for your sister's friend.

Blessings and hope you stop by my blogs. One you can click on at my name on this comment and the other is at

Blessings, Pam

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