Guest Star Random Dozen + LOST (POSSIBLE Spoilers!)

I just finished watching LOST, and for lack of a better word, I'm verklempt. Ka-wowza! However, I still feel the need to point out the fact that..."We need more
Fair warning..if you haven't watched it, you may hit a spoiler. Not sure. I'm probably going to just free associate....

*Nestor Carbonell is hot. In a tragic, vampire, Daniel Day-Lewis kind of way. He'd make a good vampire for the next Twilight thing. If the casting people want to pay me for this sound advice, I am happy to provide my PayPal email...
*Who is the man in black? I mean really.
*Wild boars are creepy.
*I'm not sure...but was that the same knife that Sayid was supposed to kill Smoke Locke with?
*Carbonell again proves my theory that men's eyelashes, et al, are like plumage on male birds. According to my extensive research (ok, I googled and checked 4 different sites) he does NOT wear guyliner, mascara, or any other eye enhancing stuff. Life is just not fair.
*We really haven't identified all 6 of the candidates yet, and I don't think we should count on them being the Oceanic 6. Just sayin'.

And now, it's pushing 10 p.m. and I have some strawberries and chocolate to snack on. See you all soon! And, say a prayer or 12 for Linda, her friends and family of Diane, a close friend of hers who is in the fight of her life here on this earth.

Lidna, over at 2nd Cup of Coffee, usually hosts the Random Dozen extravaganza, but she is consumed with lots going on this week, so she's passed the baton over to South Lakes Mom at I Didn't Know That! Please answer and then link on up!

1. What is your favorite sign of Spring?
Daffodils blooming in my yard. This year they were poking the happy yellow faces up through 3” of snow the first day of Spring.

2. Did you remember to spring forward on March 14? If not, how did it impact your day?
I did. I am the only ministry assistant at my church, so it was my job to remind and re-remind and re-re-re-remind folks. But one time when I worked for the airlines I was working a really screwy schedule at the time change and I’d gone home and fallen asleep. I awakened at 6 o’clock, needing to report at 6:15 and living 30+ minutes away from the airport. I made coffee and scrambled, called in to let them know I was on my way and only then did I realize I’d slept only a couple of hours and it we 6 in the EVENING—I thought I’d slept over night. If I'd gone in, I would have been 12 hours early. Sigh.

3. If soil, time, talent and climate were no problem, what vegetable would you plant in a garden this year?
Artichokes. Asparagus. Tomatoes, Strawberries, Summer Squash, Eggplant

4. If soil, time, talent and climate were no problem, what fruit would you plant?
Oops. I didn’t read ahead. I think strawberries and tomatoes are both fruit, but I always get confuseled about tomatoes.

5. What is your least favorite insect?
There are these really skeevy icky ones that we have here that are called ‘Child of the Earth.’
They are basically harmless but they look atrocious. This picture doesn’t do it justice…the head is flesh colored and the body is striped like Stryper outfits
Are you throwing up in your mouth a little right now? Go ahead and rinse. I'll wait.

6. March 22 was World Water Day. To celebrate, here are some water questions. Do you drink bottled water? If so, what brand?
I keep some in my car…usually Nestlé’s or Arrowhead or whatever is $4 a case this week at the store. At home, I keep a Brita pitcher filled in my fridge and keep my own little green bottle of water in there. It’s really good. I didn’t know I was a water snob until I bought my Brita.

7. Have you ever been somewhere that it was not safe to drink the local water? If so, how did you handle that?
The last mission trip I went to Mexico I pretty much lived on Mexican bottled Coca Cola. I tried to convince myself that the bottling process killed all the germies. One of the guys that went with us came back with a bad parasite, so I was glad I had avoided fruit and non-bottled water.

8. How many glasses of water do you drink per day?
3 or 4 of my green bottled thing. I think it’s about 22 oz, so that counts for almost 3 glasses each…so…9?

9. March 24 is the birthday of Harry Houdini. Have you ever watched a professional magic show? Share.
Yes. But the coolest was when Ted and I ate at a restaurant once upon a time in San Francisco. All of the wait staff were professional magicians and they would do all kinds of tricks at the table. It was a scream. I think the name of the place was maybe Harry Houdini’s?

10. Have you ever been a participant in a professional magic show (up on stage!)?
I don’t know how professional you mean, but I volunteered for a friend as a magician’s assistant when he was trying to “break in” to show business. He was always dropping his wand and once the false back of the box I was in got stuck and when he whirled it around I was there all contorted but highly visible instead of invisible. It was an ignoble demise to my career.

11. March 24 is also the birthday of Steve McQueen and Clyde Barrow. Do you like Westerns or gangster movies? If so, what is your favorite?
They are ok.

I really liked Giant and recently saw Public Enemies. Not really impressed with that one.

12. (Really random) What U.S. state that you've never visited would you like to visit someday?
Vermont. In the fall. Strangely enough, even though I worked for the airlines for 10 years, I never did much of the entire eastern half of the US.
Oddly enough, as I was wasting time answering these finishing up my own answers to the duz, the ABQ/Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority called me to take a survey, which I obliged. Trust me, these questions are WAY more interesting. Thanks South Lakes Mom! Now, go link up!


Jill said…
Your insect and Stryker pictures were both disgusting! And I wasn't too fond of Public Enemy either. I would love to see Vermont in the fall, though. That would be absolutely beautiful!
Unknown said…
You serious about the insects? Look like an alien! lol Poor guy dropping his wand... there goes the magic!

Happy Wednesday!


Random Dozen
Spring Giveaways
My Grandnephew Dreams in Haiku
Joyful Signs
SouthLakesMom said…
Child of the Earth? Eewww!

Love the story about being WAY early instead of late!

Thanks for participating in RD!
Pamela Scott said…
loved your answers but that bug ewwh is just icky!!!
I watch LOST on and off I get so confused how they go into the future the past and last night sideways??? how can you keep any of it straight? :-)
Lisa Laree said…
LOL at Stryper! That hair!!! Omigosh...
Enjoyed your answers and I'm glad I randomly picked your link ;)
The Bookworm said…
I love daffodils too. And the twelve hours early story is too funny!

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