
Showing posts from March, 2010

Guest Star Random Dozen + LOST (POSSIBLE Spoilers!)

I just finished watching LOST, and for lack of a better word, I'm verklempt . Ka-wowza! However, I still feel the need to point out the fact that..."We need more Fair warning..if you haven't watched it, you may hit a spoiler. Not sure. I'm probably going to just free associate.... Thoughts: *Nestor Carbonell is hot. In a tragic, vampire, Daniel Day-Lewis kind of way. He'd make a good vampire for the next Twilight thing. If the casting people want to pay me for this sound advice, I am happy to provide my PayPal email... *Who is the man in black? I mean really. *Wild boars are creepy. *I'm not sure...but was that the same knife that Sayid was supposed to kill Smoke Locke with? *Carbonell again proves my theory that men's eyelashes, et al, are like plumage on male birds. According to my extensive research (ok, I googled and checked 4 different sites) he does NOT wear guyliner, mascara, or any other eye enhancing stuff. Life is...

Mr. Linky Loves Lidna (but not Eddie Haskell)

Mr. Linky, your favorite little box-shaped guy (other than Sponge Bob) is up and performing linkage feats over at 2nd Cup of Coffee’s Random Dozen, which seem lately to be the only kind of post I’m posting (sorry, Rachel). Blog about your own and then pop on over and let Mr. Linky do what he does best for you…. 1. Do you prefer even or odd numbers? Any particular reason? I like odd numbers when arranging things (flowers, objects d’art…), I think because it more easily pulls your eye toward a focal point. But peanut M & M’s need to be in an even number so I can chew one on one side of my mouth, and the next on the other….if the bag runs out and I’m uneven, I have to open another bag. What a tragedy . 2. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being "not at all" and 10 being Carly Simon-worthy, how vain are you? Struggle here…would like to think 3-4, but probably 7-8. I struggle with the fear of not mattering . 3. Among these Irish stereotypes, with which do you identify most closely? ...