12 Days of Christmas - The Big Reveal
I have to tell you--this has been the most fun ever! The anticipation each evening...from our family, from you all, from Ted's co-workers and even from the kids' friends, has been such a kick. We thought we had it nailed as to who was blessing us, but we were oh, so wrong. One of Caleb's friends finally fessed up last night. He's such a dear, along with his whole family. He told us that each year his family prays about who they should do this for. They want to bless a family who has especially blessed them throughout the year. We didn't even know we had blessed THEM at all! But what joy they have brought to us. Each gift was accompanied by a card that reminded of us the REAL reason for the season--the Christ Jesus came in the flesh as God's unspeakable gift to us here on earth. What a lovely reminder and beautiful way to share God's love at Christmas time. We can't wait to start this as our own tradition next year. EXCEPT just one thing: This guy? Clai...