On the 4th Day of Christmas...

...we received from our ding-dong ditcher a pretty little glass Christmas tree filled with chocolate. My personal weakness and a food group in an of itself....


Kelly said…
Wahoo - exciting. This is so fun.
Edie said…
So where's the picture of the candy? Did you eat it already??

Fun, fun. I'll be back tomorrow for the update!
Ballerina Girl said…
very cool!!!
Merry, merry
Kelly said…
Have you gotten anything else? Inquiring minds want to know.

Alos, I read yesterday that the 12 days of Christmas represent the days from Christmas Day to Epiphany (Jan 6) - so in theory you could still do this for someone else if you had the time and inclination - of which personally I am EXHAUSTED this season. But I'm just saying...

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