LOST Thinks and the Final Feb RD
To further feed my obsession with Lost, I have some burning questions and profound thoughts about Episode 605... 1. David? Who the heck is David? Why haven’t we ever heard of him before? David? Jack has some severe memory loss here. And who is his mom and will we see her soon? 2. I had to hide my eyes when Claire sewed up Jin’s wounds. And I was pretty afraid that she was going to amputate with that ax. She said she fixed him good as new…didn’t that trap break his leg? 3. I KNEW it when she said she’d kill Kate if she had taken Aaron. I said two full beats before she did, “I’ll kill her.” Just ask Ted. He was right there. 4. I think that Jacob is trying to bring Desmond back to the island. 5. Did anyone else want to see what images were in the mirror for the rest of our favorites. Like Sawyer? And Hurley? And Jin and Sun? And, and, and… 6. Where WAS Sawyer? His story isn’t over yet. We need more Sawyer. 7. Jack’s mom has had way too much “work” done. She was a little scary. Remember he...