LOST Thinks and the Final Feb RD

To further feed my obsession with Lost, I have some burning questions and profound thoughts about Episode 605...

1. David? Who the heck is David? Why haven’t we ever heard of him before? David? Jack has some severe memory loss here. And who is his mom and will we see her soon?

2. I had to hide my eyes when Claire sewed up Jin’s wounds. And I was pretty afraid that she was going to amputate with that ax. She said she fixed him good as new…didn’t that trap break his leg?

3. I KNEW it when she said she’d kill Kate if she had taken Aaron. I said two full beats before she did, “I’ll kill her.” Just ask Ted. He was right there.

4. I think that Jacob is trying to bring Desmond back to the island.

5. Did anyone else want to see what images were in the mirror for the rest of our favorites. Like Sawyer? And Hurley? And Jin and Sun? And, and, and…

6. Where WAS Sawyer? His story isn’t over yet. We need more Sawyer.

7. Jack’s mom has had way too much “work” done. She was a little scary. Remember her from Hill St. Blues? She was so pretty!

8. Can’t wait til next week!

And with that being said, pop over to Lidna’s where she posts the final February edition of the Random Dozen. Incidentally, Krispy Kreme recently (ok two months ago) reopened here in the Q. Dozen always makes me think of donuts...I think that I deserve some kind of superhuman willpower award for not having ONCE gone in or even partaken when someone’s brought them to a gathering. So there!

As Peter said to Wendy...."Here...we....go!"

1. Have you ever fired a gun or shot a bow and arrow?
Yes and yes. The first one I closed my eyes and flinched. The second was in Jr. High P.E. Remember those lovely blue gym suits with our names in white?
Dating myself here, probably. Yeah. And the darned string on the bow caught my elbow and scraped it pretty nicely. The good thing about it is that to this day, I can position my elbow bumpy part out and rotate my wrist so my thumb sticks up. I realize that's a difficult visual to capture, but once you've lost all the skin on the soft inner part of your elbow, you WILL learn to rotate that wrist!

2. Do you know where your childhood best friends are?
I THINK so. Well, really only one. Recently heard that my friend’s dad passed away (he performed wedding ceremony) at age 90. Planning to see her at the memorial in a couple of weeks. I understand she’s had a really rough time of it. I took one path and she took another. Hoping to reach out to her.

3. Do you usually arrive early, late, or on time?
By myself, early or on time. With family, late. Drives me crazy. Not only do I consider chronic lateness to be the height of rudeness, I used to work for the airlines, and any delay more than 2 minutes involved writing or prodigious reports. Ick.

4. Are you more of a New York or California type?
California. Laid back, beaches and drinks with little umbrellas, please.

5. Do you have a special ring tone?
Oh, you shouldn’t get me started. The hubs plays the theme from James Bond movies, The Girl’s plays My Girl. Oldest USED to be Sweet Child of Mine, but has been switched to the theme from Zelda Ocarina of Time. Son # 2 plays John Mayer's Neon. Youngest son is the only 13 year old on the planet who doesn't have a phone or a ringtone. Boss plays theme from The Office and regular rings USED to be Wall-E…now default ring is Twilight Zone.

6. What is your favorite type of chip?

Lays Limon’. My crack.

7. Best comedy you've ever seen is ....
Hmmm….lots to choose from. If I say what the Girl suggested, you would block my blog and never read me again. So I won't tell you that recently I watched The Hangover and found it pretty amusing. I still, every single time I see it, laugh until I cry at the Carol Burnett skit where Tim Conway talked about the Siamese Elephants. Almost G-rated, but WARNING: LANGUAGE ALERT AT ABOUT 2 MIN 21 SECONDS INTO THE CLIP.

8. Have you ever cut your own hair? To quote Dr. Phil, "How'd that work for ya?"
Bangs are ok….Once, in Jr. High I turned my head upside down and gave myself a ‘shag’ haircut. It went real purty with that blue gym suit.

9. If you were going to have an extreme makeover, would you rather it be about your house or your personal self?
I can’t have both? Probably me. Ted is pretty amazing at the house thing and I am a blessed woman. However, you will have to wait to see my next post. We are THOSE neighbors....

10. Are you allergic to anything?
Penicillin, sulfa and macrodantin. Bee stings. Ragweed, Russian thistle, elm and juniper. Should I go on?

11. Why is it so hard to change?
Because a) we are lazy and don’t want to make the effort b) we fear getting away from our comfort zone and we really, really love our comfort. And finally: c) just don’t want to. So there.

12. One last question dedicated to February love: CS Lewis said, "To love is to be vulnerable." Please share one example of that assertion or share any thought you'd like to about this topic
Tennyson got it right, too:
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

The more you open your self up and become transparent, the more opportunity you give someone to love you past your self-imposed boundaries and self-imagined frailties.

Go visit 2nd Cup and play along, won't you?


sweet tea said…
I had a shag haircut too.
It wasn't my finest hour...also wore the same beautiful blue gym suit as you've pictured.
Angie said…
I lived in the era of the red polyester gym shorts. Ugh.

Haven't even seen those chips on the east coast.

oooh, can't wait to see the next post!

# 11 - nicely put!
SouthLakesMom said…
I'd forgotten about Tim Conway. I loved him as the little old man in the C.B. show. Thanks for the laughs!
Jill said…
#1, #8 and #9 just killed me! And your upside down shag cut was so funny. Got pictures?
Kara With a K said…
In response to what you commented on my blog: Jack+Juliet= Jacket. And I so so so so want her to be David's mom. She has to be! I think Jack's memory loss has to do with the fact that somehow these two worlds are connected and he has some jumbled memories of things on the island contradicting his sideways life (like the appendix scar).

I so was afraid Claire was going to cut off Jin's foot/leg with the axe! And I called it too that she said she would kill Kate. The woman has gone cuckoo! But it's awesome nonetheless. And NotLocke is her friend! Wow.

I, too, am sure that Jacob is trying to bring Desmond back to the island. Remember when Eloise said the island wasn't through with him yet? I just wonder what will transpire to get him there. He is special after all. So awesome. And I wonder if his coming will somehow bring the two separate timelines together. Something has to.

Also, I heart Jacob. Really, I do.

And now, random dozen: I love all your ring tones! And number 11 is so so true.
Joyce said…
I referenced Carol Burnett too-it still cracks me up. I won't block you-The Hangover was funny.

I've never tried limon but I do like the Tostitos hint of lime so I'm sure I'd be good with these too. Trying to stay away from chips altogether these days. Sigh.
Sweet Tea said…
Came back to say I'm gonna give those Limon' chips a try. Lime makes me think of Margarita's. Yum!!
Susan said…
First of all, I've never heard of Lays Limon! I'm going to have to try them. I LOVED the reference to those blue jumpsuites! So funny...and yes, I know it ages me too! I enjoyed my visit here.

Have a great day!!
LOL - I think I would have liked the blue gym suits better than our white ones.

Your answers are great!
Skoots1moM said…
would love me some of the Limon chips...lime is one of my favs :)
KrippledWarrior said…
It seems as if everyone has tried a self inflicted haircut.
Who is david? next time post a spoiler alert for those of us who taped LOST.
Nel said…
Enjoyed your answers. Ohhh I had forgotten about the blue gym suits. And then we had one that was made out of knit and dark blue on the bottom and blue and white striped on top. Not sure which one was worse. lolol.
until next time... nel
Unknown said…
I have never even heard of those chips lol...now I'll have to go out in search of them! ;-)
My ADHD Me said…
4. Guess what! Those umbrella drinks work just as well without the umbrellas! (a great bit of advise if you happen to run out of umbrellas)...BTW, DO NOT try using real umbrellas. Won't work...so I hear.

5. Hmm, my 13 year old son told me that HE was the only 13 year old on the planet without a cell phone!

7. Oh, I absolutely LOVE that skit! It was one of my Special Guests a while ago. I don't think anyone could keep a straight face around Tim Conway....he ALWAYS made me laugh! I think he could ad-lib anything!! The rest of the cast never had a chance of keeping a straight face.

12. "The more you open yourself up and become transparent, the opportunity you give someone to love you past your self imposed boundaries and self imagined frailities."
Hey! Stop pointing your finger at me! :)

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