Could it be...(the Fright Night Edition)
...the end of an era? Lidna over at 2nd Cup is taard! Coming up with a dozen thought provoking prompts when you are a ministry assistant, wife, mom to three (one of whom just recently announced her engagement… congratulations Katie !...) is a lot to ask of one person. She's tapering off. So the dozen is now just a couple. Answer these on your own blog and then linky up over at 2nd Cup …. 1. What scares you the most A) Physically Swimming in deep water that doesn’t have concrete surrounding it and chlorine in it. But perversely, I love playing in the ocean and on the beach. I have come to terms with it and can even jump off cliffs into lakes now, but it always makes me feel all squeemy inside. But at least I don’t have to resort to Jack Daniels when I do it... B) Emotionally Outliving one of my children. I watched my aunt go through it twice, and that scares the pants off me. I don’t even like to think about it. Why does it scare you, and how do you cope...