Could it be...(the Fright Night Edition)

...the end of an era?  Lidna over at 2nd Cup is taard! Coming up with a dozen thought provoking prompts when you are a ministry assistant, wife, mom to three (one of whom just recently announced her engagement…congratulations Katie!...) is a lot to ask of one person. She's tapering off.  So the dozen is now just a couple. Answer these on your own blog and then linky up over at 2nd Cup….

1. What scares you the most

A) Physically

Swimming in deep water that doesn’t have concrete surrounding it and chlorine in it. But perversely, I love playing in the ocean and on the beach. I have come to terms with it and can even jump off cliffs into lakes now, but it always makes me feel all squeemy inside. But at least I don’t have to resort to Jack Daniels when I do it...

B) Emotionally

Outliving one of my children. I watched my aunt go through it twice, and that scares the pants off me. I don’t even like to think about it.

Why does it scare you, and how do you cope?

It scares me because it goes against the laws of nature. I would feel as if one of my main purposes in life were gone. I am afraid that I would have such anger that I would sin against God in a truly mighty way. I cope with lots and lots of prayer.

2. What comes to mind when you read the phrase, "Nothing gold can stay?"

James 5:3 Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days.

Matthew 6:19 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.

I'm pretty sure that wasn't what Linda was shooting for, but, that's what I think about....

Wow! I wasn’t very witty or funny today. I’ve had a crushingly busy week (Thank You Lord, for your provision). Updates from last week:  I now have my shiny new fridge of my dreams and Ted’s surgery is scheduled for November 8. Say a prayer for him, won’t you?



Ballerina Girl said…
Sounds like your life has been filled with joys and challenges recently (I was just catching up on past posts)....
I hope that your husband's surgery goes well and that life eases up a little on you.
Thank goodness that God does not give us more than we can handle.

I will say a prayer
Anonymous said…
I answered #2 the same way! I have a feeling that Linda did mean this question this way!

Have a great day!
Joyce said…
Definitely a more somber note in the RD today. I enjoyed reading your thoughts this morning. Have a great Wednesday!
Jerralea said…
Great post! I love how everyone just puts a little different spin on the questions.

I can certainly relate to your fears. Jumping off a cliff - wow! No way, for me ...
betty said…
I think I would be with you, I would not want to outlive my children, but if God allowed that to happen, I would try to trust in him about it all and would probably, like you, spend lots of time in prayer and also in his book (particularly the book of Job I would imagine)

I'm also with you about water; I prefer pool to ocean to swim in, yet a pool can never compare to the beauty of the ocean

Nel said…
Enjoyed your answers! Sure going to miss RD.
until next time... nel
Carol said…
I'm enjoying reading the different responses this week. I could never ever jump off a cliff into water, cotton balls or even chocolate kisses. You'd have to go over an edge to do that!
Lisa Laree said…
You can jump off cliffs into lakes??? I'm impressed. I have an irrational fear of water over my head AND a fear of you're like, Wonder Woman in my eyes right now! LOL!!

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