Went to a garden party...

....with 10 of my closest friends. Friends who hold me up when I can't hold myself and make me be accountable when I'm holding on to something I shouldn't. Friends who are my soft place to land and my safe place to tell my heartsongs to.
Friends I can cry with, I can laugh with, I can be with without having to be on guard. It occurred to me as I looked around the room at these beautiful women that because I can count EACH of them as friends, true friends, I am probably among a privileged few (I'm guessing less than 5%) who have so many they can call "Friend." God ministers to my heart through these women and we all take the most tender and gentle care of each other.

Here's to you, ladies....you are captivating. You are valiant warriors. You are beautiful and wonderful and all I want to be when I grow up. You are hot mommas. You are some of God's best works....I love you all!


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