My Senior...had a moment

Recently, my oldest son was nominated and chosen to be a "Selfless Senior" for the Cibola High School class of 2009. Twenty-eight students from Albuquerque Public Schools were awarded this honor (2 or 3 from each high school...this is a big deal!) These are kids who make a real difference in their community, but who are generally unrecognized and 'fly beneath the radar' so to speak.

Photo Slides

Tyler's is slide # 5.

His comment when he was told he had been nominated and chosen? "I don't deserve that." Selfless, I tell you...
Momma is very proud...


My ADHD Me said…
You have every right to be proud. Congratulations to all of you!!

(wow...nice, selfless, AND cute!)
Kelly said…
Yay!!! That is so exciting! Wow. THe photos were all great too. Very nice photography, whoever did it.

You should be proud, ma. Nice, selfless, cute & a musician!
Anonymous said…
You should be proud. And agreed, he is so CUTE! Love the shot with the guitar.
Missy said…
My gosh, I got a little teary and it is not even my child. I just cannot imagine how you could be more proud than to have your child be recognized as selfless - that is so beautiful.

Way to go Momma. You done something right.

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