First Dozen of the Year

Lidna, over at 2nd Cup, is continuing her Random Dozen meme. Come play and then link on up!

1. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being a cranky-baby-hissy-fitter, how much of a complainer are you?

I think I’m pretty much a baby…I know that I’ve embarrassed myself from time to time….

2. When someone else is talking, do you listen, or are you thinking about what you're going to say in response?

Unfortunately, I am probably formulating my own response to what is being said. This is especially troublesome during group prayers, because I find myself wanting to “plan out” what I will say out loud that a) hasn’t been said before and b) doesn’t sound totally lame and ‘churchy.’

3. I just deleted 1062 messages from my email account. Do you have any plans for a clean sweep this month--of anything?

I really, really, really need to get to my desk. And go to the shredder place. Really. Really. I even alluded to this on facebook this week wherein I confessed the possibility that I think I have hoarding tendencies.

And now, here are some brilliant questions from a gal named Angie at Angie's Ad Lib who graciously offered to let me borrow her brain. Please go over and see Angie because it was so nice of her to help me out. Thank you so much, Angie!

4. Tell us about your perfume. Was it a gift? What does it remind you of? Do you have a signature scent?

I like florals, especially ones with citrus-y undertones…I used to wear a signature, and wear it all the time, so that anyone within sniffing distance could tell it was lil old me in the vicinity. Now, I try to ‘layer’ one scent, but mix them up depending on my mood. Used quite a bit lately: Very Sexy (Victoria’s Secret), and both Peony and White Citrus from Bath and Body Works. I really love wearing the lotion and following up with a body spray.

5. What is your best organizing tip for the new year?
I got nothing. Help. Me.

6. What is your favorite comic strip?

I really like The Far Side. I am pretty twisted.

7. Do you sleep with a fluffy or flat pillow?

Fluffy. Lots of them. And I really like satiny or polished cotton pillowcases that stay really cold on my skin.

8. What color is your kitchen? Why did you choose that color?

Very pale green with deep red accents. Chosen because it’s visible from my living room in the same color family, but LOTS more red in the living room. Thinking it may be time for a change, tho’…

9. What’s the most interesting bumper sticker you’ve seen?

I don’t like bumper stickers as a rule. But one that made me smile said “If you can read this, my trailer fell off.” Another which I liked said “If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you can read this in English, thank a soldier.”

10. Do you prefer an expensive writing tool or whatever is lying around? (Are you a Montblanc or a Papermate?)
I am a Notary Signing Agent and I really prefer Bic Grip Stick pens, usually about $1.19 a dozen on sale at Staples. I go through a lot of pens. These write very smoothly and it’s never a tragedy if I leave one behind at a borrower’s home.

11. What chore doesn’t feel like a chore – you just enjoy it (at least most of the time)?

On chilly or gloomy days, I like to fold towels freshly warm out of the dryer.

12. If your parents often repeated themselves, what is something one of them said more than once?
“I’m not INSERT NAME’s parent!”
And for some reason, when my mom got sick, she would often respond to whatever I said with “Ho-kay!”

OK, let's see whatcha got!


Jill said…
I thought about being a notary for a while. Do you enjoy your job?
T said…
I was wondering if you would like to come fold my laundry, I mean it's really cold here so that should me you would lOVE to do it, mmm right?

Lol great post!! Have a great day!
Kara With a K said…
Ah, you reminded me of a chore I actually like! Folding freshly laundered towels isn't so bad (and here I thought I didn't like any chores at all).

I love the idea of a pale green and red kitchen. I adore red.
My ADHD Me said…
2. I'm sorry. Did you say something?

5. ummm

9. *smile*

12. Ho-Kay! Have a terrific day!
Angie said…
Ho-kay made me laugh out loud! I might try that one on my kids. Funny!
Melli said…
Your kitchen sounds lovely -- sort of like a green olive - with the red pimento!

Warm towels IS a treat! And they're easy to fold - no thinking involved... which leaves a mind free to wander.

I actually do NOT pray out loud -- and that is part of the reason. I would rather just give my mind and my heart to praying with whoever is praying. If the Holy Spirit happens to prick me with a thought or prayer of my own, I will add it silently while others are thinking of what they would like to say. But for the most part I am more comfortable going into my "closet" to pray just between my Lord and myself... it's just what works best for me -- and no one in my church OR my Bible study/prayer groups minds.
SouthLakesMom said…
I do struggle with quieting my mind and opening my heart during group prayer but I have gotten better about it over the years.

It always bothers me to have a "list" of things to pray for, because I want to pray whatever the Lord leads me to...but on the other hand, he tells us to pray specifically, so the list helps my 30-second attention span!

Oh yeah, my word verification is "calor" -- that's Spanish for HEAT...I hope we're going to get some. If not, I'll go find some towels to fold!

Ho-kay, I'm done now!
Mrs. E said…
Love the Farside, too! We twisted people need to stick together!!
Cathy said…
I like to layer the Bath and Body Works stuff too. I use Moonlight Path. I have the shampoo, body wash, cream and body splash. I don't use them all the time, but I do love to use them all sometimes.
Chel said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chel said…
Oh & btw, I just loaded up on B&B works with their sale!! I lu-u-u-u-uve them (yes that was to the tune of 8 days a week!) My life has been a Beatles themology since Christmas!! Blame it on Rock Band...wiiiiiiiiii
Chel said…
I can relate to the desk thing. I have to be careful "where" i take pics in my house. I have had some ups and way low downs and when the downs hit things stack up...perhaps its elevating who knows really. I can soooo relate!
ps. i had to remove my comment ADD and my blondeness kicked it...yikes! or perhaps it was a little of #2 in type!

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