Film at 11...

...well, actually it was on the 10 p.m. news. And Ted was asleep, already. Baggage handlers have to be at work at 4 a.m. And I fell asleep waiting for the story to come on. I have no excuse...I'm just a lame excuse for a fan club.

ANYWAY...the Hubs is FAMOUS (besides being talented, handsome and just all around hunky!!!)

Since I can't even draw a straight line, I am humbled by the whole thing....


My ADHD Me said…
WOW!! That REALLY is talent!
Those pics were beautiful!

(Your kitchen looked nice too!)
Greg C said…
That is outstanding. But don't take away from your own tallents. It looks like you are pretty handy in that kitchen. You know the way to a mans heart. :)
Oh and Bleep to you too.
Kelly said…
That is AMAZING! And giving God all the glory. You guys are both pretty special.
My ADHD Me said…
I Had SPAM (not the canned kind)

Put the word verifier on for a few days to see if it gets rid of it.

(posted about it 2 0r 3 days ago.... a-hem)

Some guy (or girl) from China was sending out comments
My ADHD Me said…
Of course if I was a tv star AND was married to a tv star, I wouldn't have time to sit around reading older posts

Carol @SheLives said…
Wow!! And with no training whatsoever? I'm almost afraid to see what he could do after a few art classes. Don't even know that there's anyone who could teach him anything, though. Looks to me like he got his talent straight from the Master Artist Himself!

Very cool!
Edie said…
Wow that is so awesome! His work is incredible. God has really gifted him!

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