God Bless America

If you have already voted, thank you! If you haven't, please do! If you aren't going to...why NOT?!? It's both a privilege and a responsibility. Besides, you will be making history. Either you will be voting for the first female Vice President or the first African American President. That's a story that will bore your kids and grandkids, alike, but one that you can be proud of! NOW: Get out there and vote..... (and go Maverick!)


My ADHD Me said…
OK, I'll give you the picture, but ONLY because everyone wins when we say "Go Maverick!" :)
(sounds like a campaign slogan)

To everyone, don't let the threat of long lines keep you away! When I went, I was in and out in 5 minutes!
Kelly said…
I voted, and I too was in and out in 5 minutes.

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