RD to the nth Power

I say that because Lidna over at 2nd Cup has her Random Dozen meme up and thinks shes' at post one million or so, but I couldn't figure out how to write 1,000,000 in Roman numerals, SO.... nth Power it will be. There is Power in the Dozen! Post your own, link up over at Lid's and play along!
1. Do you do garage sales? If so, tell me about one great find. If not, tell me why not.
I do sale now…and have, but not as frequently as I have in the past. I bought a really pretty brass chandelier at one for $4 about 20 years ago…that chandelier still hangs over my dining table. Ted says he’ll pay me NOT to have them anymore. They are a pain to host, I must agree. Because I work for a poor church, every time I pass one with a vacuum cleaner that works, I buy it.
2. Name the last thing you fixed.
Probably a vacuum. (see # 1)
3. Name your A) Favorite item of makeup OR B) Favorite tool
A) Mary Kay Highlighting pen. Aka Miracle Worker.
4. Which room in your home needs organizing more than any other?
Yes. Yes, they do.
5. Which room could use re-decorating?
Yes. Yes they do.
6. Share something unique about your town.
We host the world’s largest Hot Air Balloon gathering each October. Seeing 900 or so balloons in a mass ascension is amazing (or disturbing if you are a dog hereabouts. Claire needs valium during the Fiesta and the months leading up to it). The burners make a noise that must be deeply disturbing to dogs. Claire hears them from inside the house and starts going nuts. They take off almost every morning at sunrise, especially this time of year. I’ve actually gone up a couple of times. It’s an odd sensation…you move with the wind so there’s no real sense of movement. You should all come sometime. Hotel rooms are impossible, but I have a couple of couches and a futon.
7. If you could send a one-sentence message to your great-grandchild, what would it be?
Imitate Jesus.
8. Do you Facebook?
You really mean am I addicted to crack, right? Don't be a hater.
9. Describe your favorite shoes.
For prettiful/casual I have pair of silver dressy sandals (even tho’ they have the thing between your toes, they are much too dressy to be called flip flops). Workout shoes? My Ryka’s. And, then of course, I still have these, about which I wrote a post:
10. Do you listen to more talk radio or more music radio? What kind of station is it?
Music…alternative. Unless it's rush hour, and then I bop back and forth to catch the traffic reports...
11. How far would you travel for a really good (favorite) meal?
I make my own favorite (chicken fried steak), so probably about 20 feet from where I currently sit. However, my mother-in-law’s pot roast could probably help achieve world peace, so I think … 200-ish miles?
12. If you were totally honest with yourself (and us) what should you probably be doing right now instead of blogging?
Working on the retreat We have just over a week left and not only am I the chief cook and bottle washer, I’m co-leading a breakout on prayer this year. In fact, leaving for coffee and planning meeting with Rachel. RIGHT NOW!
It's pretty sad when the sum total of my blog posts seem to be all about the Dozen (even tho' there's Power in the Dozen). I really need to be more creative and write about more. I pledge that once the retreat is over, I will do more regular posts and fewer memes. Now post your own and play along!
My Random Dozen, etc
And I love the balloons. When we lived in Las Vegas people would do the early morning flights out near our house. The kids loved them. As time passed and the city built out, they were farther and farther away...sad...
Loved your answer in regards to what you would say to your great grandchildren! Perfect!
Great job!
Enjoy your day!
What a great answer to #7!