Because I can't resist a game, especially with prizes!

Momma needs 3…count ‘em, 3 comments.

Because I have this inherent need to belong and a competitive streak about a mile wide, I went and entered myself in this friendly little tag called “Pay it Forward.”
There’s always a catch, but in this case, it could be real fun! I “won” as one of the first poster’s on Monkeys are Funny's Pay it Forward blog and now it’s YOUR turn….Because I have a fever and chills and am about to hack out a lung every 4-5 minutes, I am unabashedly and shamelessly copying the oh-so-clear rules for this little game from Chatty Kelly, who I tried to play with, but lurked in the background too long so someone beat me to it. She explains it way more clearly than I could, anyway.
Here are the rules as posted on her blog: “The first 3 bloggers to leave a comment stating "I want to play & pay!" will receive a hand-made gift from me. Those 3 bloggers promise to post this challenge on their blog (meaning they too will ‘pay-it-forward’, creating a handmade gift for the first 3 bloggers that leave a comment on their blog!!) The gift can be any price range--though I'm thinking that keeping it small will be sufficient--and you have 365 days to make/ship your gift!! Obviously you must be willing to send me your mailing address.”
I would say international shipping is too high, but honestly, I don’t think my blog makes it that far. I won’t promise what your gift from me will be, but I do promise that it will have The Girl’s seal of semi-approval (teens don’t do the whole parental approval thing) and she’s not only crafty, but she has great taste and is one of those people who looks pulled together, even in sweats and a t-shirt. So it should be sort of cool, anyway.

Now, I know this game has been going around awhile. And I know that it kind of smacks of a weird chain-letter. But please play! It’ll be fun! It kind of reminds me of the 12 Days of Christmas, which by the way I have begun amassing for for this year’s extravaganza! Can I get a shout out?


Ballerina Girl said…
Hi Pam...
ok, I am not sure if I am in the first three to comment but I just wAnted to let you know that this is fun! And yes, your blog comes all the way to me in Brasil!!!
I do not think I would be good to play it because shipping is hard from here...though I could do it when I get back to the States. But really, use the next three people to make it more immediate and fun!
Have a great day!
My ADHD Me said…
( have a reader in Brasil!)

Email me your address and I'll send you your "prize"!!

My email is

BTW...Good Luck getting people. As you may know by looking back at my post....I showed no shame. I was begging. lol. :)
Missy said…
Aw, man. I got all excited until i saw I would have to make something in order to play.

I could make a dirty diaper? Or a snotty Kleenex?

That's about all I can promise these a days.
BG--absolutely when you are back in the states. Missy--make whatever you's an honor system. Mary--is the game over?
Somebody--please post so I get at least one more person...
My ADHD Me said…
I told you....

I had to post over 20 comments on my own blog just to reach my goal.

Meanwhile...I'm working on your craft....did I mention I am craft challenged?????
But if I post on my own, doesn't that just defeat the purpose? I think that Missy should just go ahead and send a kleenex or something...she could make it into a flower, right? So plug MY post on YOUR next blog...that's kind of paying it forward, right? I feel so....unread.
Or something...
My ADHD Me said…
Send Missy her craft. Then she'll feel hopelessly obligated to Pay It Forward.

I KNOW!! On your next post, after people comment, let them know they are winners of the PREVIOUS default! (I guess I CAN be "crafty").

I'm STILL working on my crafts.
Kelly said…
I'm just here for moral support. If you send me something I am NOT paying it forward. :-) I've mailed out 2 of my 3 homemade crafts from my paying it forward game, and have one more to go.

Who said it is better to give than receive??? They must have been receiving my homemade gifts. LOL!
My ADHD Me said…
Consider yourself plugged.
Edie said…
I'll plug you too. I would love to give away a crafted item but Kelly and ADHD-Jo played from me to begin with.

Of course you can send them to my Creations blog and Lea and I will give them ideas and instructions. Haha!
Marla said…
Ok, Pam, I am visiting you from Edie's blog. The pay it forward, I usually pretend I haven't visited, I read and sneak out very quietly! I have not a creative bone in my body and I think my gifts would be so kindergarten like. But you seem to be begging, so I will try this. You might need to remind me, because I forget very easily, ha!! I am sure that I will have trouble getting 3 folks to play along! Pastor William in Church today said we should always be helping others, there you have it, I listened to his message. I am helping you out!
Heaven said…
A&Ox4, I was over and ADHD's and saw her plea for you to get more people. I can't play because #1, you have your winners, and #2, I'm doing it myself:)

The reason I am here is because as much as I've seen your comments on Mary's blog, I realized that I have never checked out your blog (or if I have, I don't remember). I love your "about me" section! Very creative. May God bless you in your adventure to bless others:)

BTW- I really should have copied and pasted Kelly's rules, because I ended up and made up my own rules because I forgot what the rules were. lol

Feel better:) Heaven
My ADHD Me said…
S L O W L Y she reels them in....

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