Guess I'll go eat worms...

It’s not that nobody likes me….it’s just that no one wants to play.

Since the rules state that you have to “pay it forward” by sending a hand-crafted gift to 3 people who replied, I can see that it can be daunting. Busy people, especially busy moms, look at it and think , “No Way!” It just is adding another tic box on an already full to-do list. One. More. Thing.

So, I am hereby changing the rules: I AM going to pay it forward. But YOU don’t have to! Let me do this for you…and somehow, somewhere down the road, maybe years from now if you are inspired to give a secret little gift to someone who needs a lift, please do so!

Ballerina Girl at Roller Coaster Riding who lives in Brasil is my first victim. Ahem, winner. Please email me your snail mail address. I am willing to attempt to send something to Brasil. We’ll see what happens.

Runner-up is Missy from It’s Almost Naptime . Even tho’ she really doesn’t want to play, I want to send her something. She has been kind enough to give me her address. And a hint about what this mom of four really would like. She’s so giving—she wants something for her daughter!

And Lucky Winner # 3 is Marla. Marla’s blog is Life is Just a Chair of Bowlies and she recently had a photo of her home featured in a lovely advertisement without her foreknowledge or permission. I’m seeing royalty checks in her future…and her house is adorable!

So…here’s the deal. If you are listed here and haven’t given me your addresses, please do! The Girl and I will lurk around a craft store or 2 and come up with a little gift for you. And no pressure…you don’t have to pay it forward. The blessing is for me to give!


Kelly said…
yeah, I usually get 20 comments or so a day. The day I posted mine I got very few, and most from my sister (ADHD).
My ADHD Me said…
I believe this game has reached its limit.
That's nice of you to pay it forward anyway.
I'm ALMOST done with the ones I'm making...wait a minute, didn't I say that a few days ago?
Edie said…
Now that's the way I like to Pay it Forward. No strings attached. You're the bomb-diggity2. :)
My ADHD Me said…
Send me your address and I'll send you your WONDERFUL craft.

You'll be shocked, impressed amazed, astonished and none of the above!


Send you address to

I promise not to sell you address to vendors, other email companies and any known stalkers.

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